Haystack: the FeedSax data archive
FeedSax produced an extensive bioarchaeological dataset, called Haystack, which holds both compilations of pre-existing archaeobotanical and zooarchaeological data, and newly generated results from radiocarbon dating, palaeopathological, zooarchaeological, archaeobotanical, palynological and stable isotope analyses.
Haystack has been deposited with the Archaeology Data Service, both as an extensive library of archive documents and as a searchable database, all freely available for consultation and use in future research: https://doi.org/10.5284/1057492
Charred grain photographs
In the course of its crop stable isotope and radiocarbon dating programmes, and in collaboration with doctoral student Tina Roushannafas, FeedSax collated a huge library of more than 6,000 photographs of charred grain - as a record of the grains used in destructive analysis, but also as a resource for morphometric analysis of charred cereal grains.
This photographic archive has been deposited with the University of Oxford's Sustainable Digital Scholarship service and is available here: https://portal.sds.ox.ac.uk/feedsax